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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: You Are Not Alone

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: You Are Not Alone

Posted by Santana Fell on Oct 09, 2024

Cancer is brutal. Anyone dealing with breast cancer or any other form of this dreaded disease can vouch that their life was turned upside down.

It doesn't just terrorize body cells, destroying the barriers of immunity and triggering severe hair loss, but also wreaks havoc on a person’s personal life, draining them physically, emotionally, mentally, and in every aspect possible.

Cancer, specifically breast cancer, robs you of yourself and life as you know it. Though beatable, you come out a changed person. The resilience and courage needed to overcome this difficult period are beyond what words can express. From diagnosis to being cancer-free, the journey is plagued with immense stress, depression, and mental turmoil.

We bet no one wants to be the ‘warrior’ and ‘survivor’ in a battle they didn't choose to fight in, especially when losing so much hair that they barely recognize themselves.

At Superhairpieces, we understand the value of having hair. We see how hairpieces for women boost confidence and make them look more like themselves while they deal with cancer.

This October, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our hearts go out to all those men and women dealing with this Breast Cancer. We salute you; we support you. You are not alone.

To do our part and support all those experiencing hair loss as part of their breast cancer and chemotherapy treatments, we offer a special coupon code for 15% off our medical wigs.

15% OFF Coupon Code for Medical Wigs

What are medical wigs?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Medical Wigs for cancer patients bring hope to balding women, boosting their self-image and confidence. These handcrafted wigs are made with utmost precision from high-quality materials to be soft and comfortable on a bald scalp. They are glueless, meaning you dont need any adhesives that could irritate your sensitive scalp. Instead, they come with silicone strips and an adjustable strap for a great fit and a secure suction grip.

They are extremely natural-looking, so no one will know you are wearing a hairpiece. Our medical wigs don’t just help conceal thinning hair or balding heads; they help you feel more like yourself. These gorgeous women’s wigs come in different colours, lengths, and styles, providing a contemporary look. With our women's wigs, you can look great and alleviate some of the stress of hair loss.

How common is Breast Cancer?

Breast Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. More than 2 million women around the world are diagnosed with the disease each year. In 2024, more than 360,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

The numbers are definitely scary, and that is even more reason to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Why do we need to create awareness?

This month is about more than just pink ribbons. While we should be spreading breast cancer awareness all year round, we take this month to emphasize it, educate men and women about breast cancer, and encourage them to check themselves as early detection can help.

Did you know that even men have breast cancer?

Yes, you read that right.

Breast cancer, predominantly seen in women, also impacts men. In 2021, President Joe Biden established Men’s Breast Cancer Awareness Week from October 17 to October 23. The American Cancer Society projects that, in 2024, approximately 2,790 men in the U.S. will receive a breast cancer diagnosis, and around 530 men are anticipated to succumb to this condition. Nonetheless, detection and treatment efforts are often hindered by insufficient awareness and societal stigma surrounding male breast cancer.

Read here: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Male Breast Cancer

No one should face breast cancer alone. Superhairpieces is here for you. We support all those men and women facing breast cancer. Avail big discounts on our medical wigs and bestselling men’s toupees.

Here are some of our Medical wigs for cancer patients

Use coupon code BeatCaner15 for 15% off on medical wigs.

Medical wigs for cancer patients

We dont believe in pinkwashing. We provide practical alternatives to navigate this life-changing disease.

Beat cancer and hair loss with Superhairpieces.

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