Your Guide To The Proper Maintenance Of Synthetic Wigs
Posted by Superhairpieces on Nov 05, 2019

Why take care of a wig?
Owning a wig or several wigs means you also need to take care of them. Whether you wear them for medical reasons, aesthetics or just for the love of wigs and hair systems overall, you want them to last as long as possible.
Taking care of your wig will do just that as it will extend the lifespan as well as keep it looking great.
And the good news is that proper wig care is easy. Long, short, or just a small piece, let's take a look at some tips for proper wig care.

About synthetic wigs
Synthetic wigs are very popular. They are very durable and look great and natural on the scalp. They are usually less expensive than natural human hair wigs and can be styled and have plenty of great colors.
They are also far easier to care for than natural human hair wigs, and because they cost less, you can have several different styles and colors to experiment with.
How to take care of a synthetic wig
Taking care of your synthetic wigs needn't be difficult. There are a few easy ways to keep your wigs looking great. If you wear a wig every day, you should wash it at least once a week. You should notably aim to do more than once a week if you are around smoke, odors, or are in a hot, humid climate.
It should be noted, however, that the more it is used daily, the more washing it will require which will shorten the overall lifespan of the wig. Whether washing it frequently or with the natural build-up of oil and sweat, both will result in hair loss to the wigs and cause the fibers to eventually break down.

Comb the synthetic wigs properly
A gentle combing or brushing to get the tangles out should be done every day. Because the material is plastic-based, a knot or tangle will cause the hair to hold the bend.
Using a wide-tooth comb or brush, give the wig a good combing after each use. Don't pull or stretch the wig, as it will ruin the fibers.

How to wash a synthetic wig
Use cold water for washing your wig as hot water will damage the synthetic hair. Fill a bowl or the sink with cold water and add a capful of shampoo. Gently wash the wig, the fibers and the inner cap/base.
Don't rub or twist the wig. Be careful with the base, especially where there are any hand-tied parts to the wig. Once you have washed the wig, rinse it out. You can do this in another bowl, a sink full of cold clear water, or just under the tap.

Use conditioner after washing
Once the wig is rinsed and no more shampoo is present, gently pat dry the wig. Never wring or twist it as this can cause a lot of damage. Adding conditioner afterwards helps keep the fibers soft and natural looking.
Condition the hair only and try to keep it away from the cap or base as this can cause the fibers to dissolve and loosen up. Rinse it out completely.
As an alternative, you can also use a spray conditioner.

How to dry a synthetic wig
Pat the wig dry or place it in between two towels or a folded towel to absorb most of the water. Never wring it out or rub or squeeze it as this can cause a lot of damage.
Then, shake the wig gentle to allow it to regain its styled shape. Place the wig on your wig stand, over a large jar or lamp to dry. Do not turn the lamp on or use a hairdryer as the heat will melt the fibers.
Let the wig dry before you place it in storage or put it away.
How to properly store a wig
If you have several wigs or only use them occasionally, you need to store them properly. Additionally, if you travel, you need to be able to transport them without damage.
Always make sure the wigs are clean and dry before storing them or packing them for travel.

It's best to use wig stands which are the head-shaped stands that allow the wig to keep its shape. However, keep the wigs out of the heat and direct sunlight as they need to be avoided for synthetic wigs.
Keeping them in a closet or on a dressing table is best to avoid damage. If you have limited space, you'll need to get creative. Keep away from your small children or pets as well.
If you don't have space or wig stands, you can carefully fold them and keep them stored securely in a box or suitcase. Make sure there is nothing heavy on top of them as this can cause damage. In addition, don't store them near substances that might leak over time.

Easy tips on how to travel with wigs
If you are traveling with one or multiple wigs, make sure you pack them so they don't get damaged. If you can travel with a wig stand, that is ideally the best scenario.
If you are unable to travel with a wig stand, fold the wig with tissue paper to keep it fresh and safely pack it in a case. A strong and sealed plastic container will keep it from being crushed or jostled around too much.
Keeping it sealed not only prevents it from getting tangled, but also prevents it from accidents or spills that may happen inside your suitcase. After all, one broken container, lotion or loose tube of toothpaste and your wig will be instantly ruined.
Keep it nice and clean
Whether you are wearing a wig for medical reasons, to cover hair loss or for entertainment purposes, you want to keep them looking nice.
Proper wig care will give your unit a longer life and keep it looking great. Synthetic wigs look very natural so people probably won't even know you’re wearing one. Taking care of your wig will make sure they never do.
We have wigs for all occasions, all types, colors, and styles. For more information on our women’s wigs, visit our website at Superhairpieces (US & International) or (CAN)
You can also contact us at 1-866-814-7879 or email us at to set up your virtual appointment.
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